



Survival Skills
Level 1: Can manage brief exchanges in common situations such as asking directions
Level 2: Can satisfy simple personal needs such as ordering a meal
Level 3: Can handle simple tasks in common personal and professional situations such as making travel arrangements
Level 4: Can function in common personal and professional situations such as transacting routine business at a bank or making a brief presentation at a meeting

Functional Skills
Level 5: Can function in fairly demanding personal and professional situations such as participating in a discussion or meeting
Level 6: Can function in most ordinary personal and professional situations including more complex ones such as consulting a lawyer, a public accountant, or other professional
Level 7: Can function in a wide range of personal and professional situations including managing an office or settling a disagreement
Level 8: Can function in most personal and professional situations including very challenging ones like making a sales presentation or conducting a meeting

Professional or Academic Skills
Level 9: Can function well in most personal, academic and professional situations
Level 10: Can function well in virtually any personal, academic or professional situation
Level 11: Can function well in any situation, including those which require exceptional language skills
Level 12: Can function in any situation with language skills approaching that of a well-educated native